Operation Energy Crisis started as a personal Mega Man Zero fangame project in the summer of 2017--my transition from middle school to high school. The original version of the game, Mega Man Zero: Operation Energy Crisis, was made on the Roblox engine with Roblox Lua from 2017 to early 2019. It was transferred to GameMaker Studio 2 in 2019. It is currently on hiatus, but I plan to recreate it as a fully original game on GameMaker Studio 2 down the line.
This page will be separated into the following sections:
1) General Operation Energy Crisis content (synopsis, promo and concept art, sprites, BGM, etc.) -- includes both OEC and MMZ:OEC content.
2) Operation Energy Crisis (GAMEMAKER STUDIO 2 VERSION)
3) Mega Man Zero: Operation Energy Crisis (DISCONTINUED ROBLOX VERSION)
This page will be separated into the following sections:
1) General Operation Energy Crisis content (synopsis, promo and concept art, sprites, BGM, etc.) -- includes both OEC and MMZ:OEC content.
2) Operation Energy Crisis (GAMEMAKER STUDIO 2 VERSION)
3) Mega Man Zero: Operation Energy Crisis (DISCONTINUED ROBLOX VERSION)
General Operation Energy Crisis Content
Various Concept Art
"Concept" / "Draft" Soundtrack
Songs were made by me on Medly (iOS). Not intended for actual BGM, but just to get a feel for the tone. Plan to remake as looping songs for BGM down the line.
[2017-2019] Mega Man Zero: Operation Energy Crisis (DISCONTINUED ROBLOX VERSION)
Mega Man Zero: Operation Energy Crisis (Roblox Version) -- A personal fangame project originally made on Roblox with Roblox Lua from 2017 to early 2019.
All concept and promotional art made by me. Models made by me, some original (i.e. weapons), some provided by Roblox, and some inspired by concept art from Mega Man Zero. Base UI sprites from Mega Man Zero. Custom Weapon UI sprites made by me. Debug room textures made by me, inspired by Mega Man ZX debug room. Character voices from Street Fighter 4. BGM and SFX featured in prototypes from Mega Man Zero and Mega Man ZX. Non-prototype-featured BGM made by me.
Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX, and Street Fighter 4 © Capcom
Characters Aethon, Taquin, Strix, Aigle, etc. belong to me.
All concept and promotional art made by me. Models made by me, some original (i.e. weapons), some provided by Roblox, and some inspired by concept art from Mega Man Zero. Base UI sprites from Mega Man Zero. Custom Weapon UI sprites made by me. Debug room textures made by me, inspired by Mega Man ZX debug room. Character voices from Street Fighter 4. BGM and SFX featured in prototypes from Mega Man Zero and Mega Man ZX. Non-prototype-featured BGM made by me.
Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX, and Street Fighter 4 © Capcom
Characters Aethon, Taquin, Strix, Aigle, etc. belong to me.
April 2018 DemoA demonstration video made in April 2018 to showcase the title screen, the base gameplay mechanics of the four playable characters, the environmental hazards, the dialogue system, and various promotional and concept art.
6 January 2019 Walljump & Wallslide DemoThe final MMZ:OEC (Roblox Version) demonstration video made on 6 January 2019 to showcase progress on the walljump and wallslide mechanic. Holding the directional controls against a wall while in midair allows the player to slowly slide down the wall instead of fall. Took several days of experimentation to complete. In my opinion, my best programming accomplishment on Roblox.